Melanie Heinrich PhotographerMelanie Heinrich Photographer

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Workshops and Tutorials - Image Editing

Teaching Philosophy

Adding Fog


Changing Day to Night

Complicated Merging

Digital Depth-of-Field

Fixing Exposure Diversities

Digital Infrared


Merging Images

Making Smoke

Making Snow


Fixing Exposure Diversities

In many scenes, you will find great diversity in exposures. Sometimes you can’t pull the two together with the camera to get a good overall exposure. I take two different shots, one shot that exposes for the shadow area and another shot that exposes for the highlights. I blend those two in Photoshop. I describe how to do that below.

The original shot with the camera exposure made for the background. The foreground is completely dark and has several stops, less light, on it.

This shot includes both the original shot and the new shot where I made the exposure for the foreground. I merged the two and masked out the background, which was extremely overexposed.

The palette above shows the close-up rock used to fill in the foreground, but I don't like the blasting light caused from a flash. It washes out the detail in the surface of most objects.

A curves adjustment layer is added to both layers as well as a mask on the close-up layer.

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