Melanie Heinrich PhotographerMelanie Heinrich Photographer

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Fine Art Photography

Art Theory

Black & White Images

Carnival My Time

Carnival Present Day

Dimensional Photography

Experimental Images

Hand-Painted Images

Infrared Images

Landscape Images

Life After Life Images



Printing on Metal

Rice Paper Printing

Sketches of Europe

Spiritual Concepts

Time Exposures

Underwater Images


Spiritual Concepts

This group of images is a continuation of the work I did entitled "Life After Life."

A few years ago my mother suffered from strokes, leaving her a shell of her former self. During the same month my younger brother died unexpectedly in a car accident. Shortly after that my father was diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer. In addition to this, a close friend died of lung cancer and another friend was also diagnosed with lung cancer and who has since died. And only a few days ago I received news about another friend who had passed away—she too had cancer.


The more living I do, the more dying I see. I believe with deep conviction that life continues after we leave this earth. I have to believe that, or else our humanity is diminished to the same level as snails. This body of work is intended to be a photographic expression of what I believe happens to us after we die.


My view of spirituality is not to be confused with religion, which I believe is man-made and meant to control its members. A religion holds man to his primate fleshy existence, whereas spirituality liberates him. Religion is a man-made doctrine that puts man in control and power; on the other hand, spirituality and the spiritual gifts that come from above humble man and put God in control and power. Spirituality will always dominate, as it is greater than everything tangible around us. It will never succumb to man-made doctrine; the more man seeks spirituality, the further away he gets from religion. I began working on these images shortly after my brother’s passing. It is my intention to show the journey that I believe the soul takes after it leaves the body and its final resting place. It is a communicative essay of multi-dimensional spiritual realism.


I have had an interest in this topic for several years, but I only began working on these images shortly after my brother's passing in 2003. It is my objective to show the journey that I believe the soul takes after it leaves the body and finds its final resting place. My video and photographic work that deals with this topic is a communicative essay of multidimensional spiritual realism. Below are examples from this series.


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